A word or two from Mairi
From "The Link" Parishes Newsletter,
Advent 2024
Dear Friends,
Advent is upon as again.
I wonder what does Advent mean to you and
your family? Is it a time of family celebrations,
food, drink and tinsel with some well deserved time off work? Or perhaps a time of sadness as you remember loved ones no longer with us or families split and going their own way?
I want to give you the Hope of the Advent season and invite you to journey together with your brothers and sisters in Christ , to journey through this Advent season together. I want you to focus on the hope that Christmas brings not only for one day but for the rest of your lives. Take time to enjoy your Advent journey as you pray and meditate, as you worship God and listen for His word speaking to you and give thanks for Him giving us His Son.
Advent is not only about waiting for a baby to be born in a manger in Bethlehem. In 2024, Advent is still—if not more—relevant in our lives. The Advent journey is also about that wonderous hope of the Son of Man returning and making all things new.
Have a wonderful Christmas
With love
Rev Mairi X
01786 880948
On Tuesday 11th January 2022 Mairi
addressed the Scottish Parliament at
the invitation of one of our Mid
Scotland and Fife MSPs, Murdo Fraser.
You can view her contribution to the
weekly Time for Reflection here.