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Welcome to Easter 2021 in Blackford
We recorded much of our Easter activity this year
and took other elements of it out into the streets.
Some of those materials are still here for your
interest and perusal
For details about the X marks the spot treasure hunt and the Easter Journey, download this PDF file. A virtual version of the Easter Journey is further down the page.
We've recorded an Easter Assembly for Blackford Primary School and it can be played from here particularly if you want to sing along to the songs which is not possible in school.
Our Good Friday Reflection helps to focus minds on the cross. Were you there? The soldier was.
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These two videos were part of our Easter Sunday Worship led by Mairi, Sandy and John.
These three videos were produced this year for schools, churches and families by SU Scotland and SU Ireland. They aim to Colour in Easter and see the biblical accounts in their life changing context.
Our Easter Journey
We have seven places to visit in the village this Easter weekend. We'lltry and give you a taste of it here. Before we start, what's your "three-word-Easter" and your "three-word-Jesus" to summarise what you know already of Jesus and these events.
Our first stop is to join the crowds as they welcome Jesus into the city of Jerusalem. Watch the "Skit Guys - Palm Sunday" video. Later that week, Jesus' anger at how difficult it is for people to meet God at the temple boils over in this clip from the BBC's The Passion. How's your "three-word-Jesus" now?
Our third stopping point allows us time to take in the Passover meal. God responded to the cries of his people in anciet Egypt and they were freed to a new life. As Egyptians died that night, the Angel of Death would pass over any house with blood on the door. At the end of the meal, Jesus says his blood will be shed to save his people. Click on this image to download a PDF copy explaining the Passover food that others will taste when they visit.
After their meal, Jesus and his disciples head to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus takes time to talk to his Father. Then it all kicks off. Click on the left video to listen to what happens. What are you imagining. Do you need to check what Mark wrote in his eye witness account here? (He's widely thought to be the young man in verse 51/52!)
After a brief and flawed trial before the temple leaders and with Pilate - we'll wash our hands to remind ourselves how he caved in under pressure - Jesus is led away to be crucified. The Miracle Maker animation will be shown on the side of the church - and in the right box below.
Having watched the video, what did you know already of Jesus' death, what was new to you and what are you still trying to work out?
From the church, we'll cross the road and visit the garden tomb with its guard of Roman soldiers. Everything changes on Easter Day. Everything.
So what is the better image for Easter - a cross or a egg which represents the stone that rolled away from the tomb as Jesus rose from the dead?
How's your three-word-Easter now? To read more, try Mark's Gospel. Ask us for a copy through the contact us page or stop us in the street and we'll talk.
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